The Future of Performance Management is Defined by Rhythm

Everything about typical performance management strategies has completely changed over the last five years, both due to..
The HR Expert’s Guide to OKRs

Almost all managers have some sort of goal-setting routine for their team; it’s a natural part of being a leader and delegator.
How to Set Workplace Goals in 2022

Setting long-term goals is one of the most crucial ways to keep your team aligned, especially at the beginning of a fiscal year.
OKR Sins – Six Common Mistakes Made When Using OKRs

The OKR (Objectives and Key Results) method is a popular and efficient way to guide a workforce into achieving a long term goal for a company. By setting an Objective (a broad mission statement) and several Key Results (shorter, measurable assignments) great strides can be made in a quick and organized manner. The method seems […]
Examples of Great OKRs From Different Industries

OKRs (Objectives-Key Results) are a remarkably helpful method to help roll out long term goals for a workplace. While laying out a list of tasks to your staff can be effectively comprehensive, they may end up overtaking each other in importance and clouding the main mission statement of your business. Instead, OKRs take the most […]
Goals Management: How to Create Professional Goals

Many of the world’s most successful companies leverage one of the major goal methodologies to provide a framework for achieving success. Goals give employers a means to evaluate an employee’s value and provide an employee with guidance on what is expected of them. Goals are equally beneficial to both parties and creating a framework that makes […]