The Four C’s of Employee Engagement

You might know the 4 C’s of diamonds (color, cut, clarity, carat) or the 4 C’s of credit (capacity, collateral, capital, credit), but do you know the 4 C’s of Employee Engagement? If you want to lead a productive and engaged workforce, introducing the 4 C’s of Employee Engagement to your culture will immediately boost […]

Seven reasons your workplace should be built upon communication

a workplace built on communication

Communication between the management team and the workforce is absolutely vital to the success of any organization. What becomes an obstacle, however, is not the company’s capability to communicate between themselves – it’s their commitment to it. Too often you’ll find a company that believes scheduling meetings and sending out daily newsletters can substitute for […]

6 Ways to Improve Your Employee Communication Strategy

improve employee communication strategy

We live our lives in front of our screens. The swift transition to remote working environments has caused many employees to spend even more time on screen. It is no wonder then that companies today experience unique challenges when it comes to employee communication. How do we prevent oversaturation with the constant bombardment of emails, […]

Engaging Your Employees to Get That Competitive Edge

engaging your employees for competitive edge

Employee engagement is the X-factor for any company looking to claim a spot at the forefront of their sector. Your workforce doesn’t just make up the gears of your organization’s machine — they’re the machine itself. Keeping them actively aligned with corporate goals can be the key difference between success and failure. A disinterested team […]