ChatGPT Raps About Zoom Meetings

We’ve been having ChatGPT answer plenty of questions about human resources – but can it rap about it? We asked the AI to write its own rap about working from home and attending video meetings and, well, here’s what happened…
AI on HR – Episode 6: “What is HelloTeam?”

ChatGPT knows everything, but does it know what HelloTeam does? Let’s see what happens when we ask the AI, “What is HelloTeam?”!
AI on HR – Episode 5: The Employee That Makes Inappropriate Jokes

It’s one of the things Human Resources is known for – dealing with the employee that makes inappropriate, borderline harassing, jokes. But how would ChatGPT handle it?
AI on HR – Episode 4: How often should a manager hold one-on-ones?

This time around we ask ChatGPT how often managers should sit down with their team members for one-on-one meetings. Does it know how important frequent check-ins are, or does this AI think the old fashioned way?
Is AI the Future of Human Resources?

The years of 2022 and 2023 will be looked back on in the history books as more than the post-COVID era; they’ll be called the pre-AI era.
AI on HR – Episode One: The Impact of Employee Engagement

HelloTeam Presents: AI on HR Episode 1!
AI on HR is a HelloTeam series starring ChatGPT, one of the world’s most advanced AI chatbots, as it gives its opinions and advice on the world of human resources. It’s even more helpful than you’d think!
If you have any questions you’d like ChatGPT to answer in a future video, let us know in the comments below.