For the first time in over a year, we’re all just about ready to get out of the house and live life on our feet. Feel free to go anywhere this summer – with the new HelloTeam mobile app, you’ll be able to communicate with and engage your team from the palm of your hand.

Our app empowers you to use our Communication and Engagement tools to keep everyone connected on the go. Say Hello to staying up to date on company news and events, new hires, work anniversaries and more. Our app’s Survey feature enables you to send questions and polls out to your employees in an instant. You can survey your team to get feedback on culture, engagement and business strategies, as well as to conduct Health Checks and Return to Work questionnaires.

Enable your team to stay in touch through an easily-accessible Employee Directory, where you can find essential contact information and touch to call and email.

Don’t forget to give a quick high five to a teammate to spread positive recognition to anyone in your organization!

Our app includes:

-Interactive Employee Directory and profiles to easily contact teammates
-Updates including new hires, birthdays, anniversaries, and promotions
-Virtual High Fives (Peer Recognition)
-Ability to respond to all Surveys from culture feedback to health questionnaires
-Sharing Company News and Events

It’s available on both the App Store and Google Play – bring the HelloTeam experience away from your desk today!

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